Saturday, April 19, 2008

Up Again

I believe that my last post was exactly a month ago. My beloved is posting every day now. I have been working at essays and trying to prioritize. So many things such little time.

In our town we have these very large vases that are painted by artists in the area and then placed around town. I was asked to paint one. I am amazed. Today I received my vase and manyof us got together to paint. I am doing one relating to needleart and tole painting combined.

I have quit some of my out of home charity work. I am trying to do more charity work that goes with my interest in needleart. So many women tell me they can not contribute because they are home. There is so much to do -cancer patients, refugees, homeless, newborns and their mothers, war effort. Needleartists Unite!

I am going to start writing in my blog everyday too. Just do it.

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